Sunday, December 25, 2011

World economy to trudge on in 2012 despite Europe

Most economists base their assumptions on the hope that the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis will not boil over into a new global economic crisis, having already dented growth in major exporters to Europe. Still, most of the major emerging market economies like Brazil and China should pick up speed later next year. All of them have suffered from slowing economies in recent months, caused mainly by tightening monetary policy in the face of high inflation.

This info is shared from a article on Reuters at this link below (article of week)  How to trade the 2012 market for first part of 2012 in the currency markets effectively. Forex Insighters will share with traders in trade community in on our online trade room. register to be part of Live Broadcast Starting this week. ACCESS portal for registration FREE

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1 comment:

  1. I think in 2012, the crisis between all the countries will finish and once again forex and other market will grow up. Intraday Tips
