Friday, June 15, 2012

Fx Insight Trade of the Day Gbp/Usd June 15th

Today June15th, Chief Trader Alvaro Mendez takes a buy position on the GBP/USD pair. Chief Al waits patiently for the GBP/USD to break out as he instructed to all traders in the room and online community ROOM. Chief Trader uses the 1 minute Power Trade setup to plan and enter his buy position. Since it was a Friday Alvaro was very strategic on his stop-loss. FIVE minutes into the trade Al collected +15 PIPS! As the morning continued and all traders followed on this very strong gbp/usd and as the session continued Chief Traders and all traders in office and online room moved to collect over 140+ (avg) on gbp/usd as the pair really made some nice moves against the dollar.

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